What Webdepot is offering.
Webdepot will do the following to get you or your business online:
Register and maintain your chosen Domain Name (eg, www.your_domain.co.nz)
Create a website that is uncomplicated and easy to use.
Create a website that is 'responsive' (automatically changes size to fit any device's screen size).
Register your website with the leading search engines so that people can find you.
What do I get for my money?
A quality, low cost website customised to suit your needs.
Up to 12 pictures of your choice.
Up to four web pages. The pages can be named whatever you like.

What do I need to do?
Provide us with the text you want on your website. Since you know your business best, this can only come from you. If any editing is required to make the text 'web friendly', we will do this free of charge.
Provide us with any photos you want on your website (twelve maximum), together with whatever description you want associated with them. Good quality, high resolution images only, as images are a very important part of your website's overall appeal.
Provide us with the contact details you want on your website, especially the email address you want people to use when contacting you. Information you might like to have on your website contact page includes your personal name, business address, telephone numbers, hours of operation, photo of yourself.
Tell us which colours you would like to use on your website. Give us two, your primary and secondary ones, as these will be used on the main elements of your website. If you've got examples of colours you like from a website or other source, just send us the link and we can copy them for you.
Send us a copy of your businesses logo, if you have a logo. A high quality, high resolution copy is best.
And, most importantly, you will need to provide us with the domain name you want for your website (eg: your_domain.co.nz). To find out if your domain name is available, just Google it, and if it's available, you won't get a link to that name. This method isn't 100% accurate, so pick more than one domain name you like, as one should be free. Once you have a few domain names, send your list to us, and we'll make sure they are definitely available. If you don't think you can do this yourself, just give us some names you like and we'll find the closest match, or matches, for you instead. You can then choose the one you like the most for your website.
Webdepot - your internet solution.